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Alton Vance - Southwest Photographer
2871 Huerta Way
Norco, CA 92860
Home 951-734-4825
Cell 951-741-0353

Award Winning Photos

Grand Prize Winners
----- Painter Painting of Equestrian Sunset - BetterPhoto.com
----- Canyon Solitude - 5th place - One of the top 12 pictures for the year 2004 at Photos-of-the-year.com

First Place Winners
----- The Rider- Photos-of-theYear - 1st Place for July 2004
----- The Four Horsemen - BetterPhoto.com - 1st Place - People's Catagory

Second Place Winners
----- A View From the Top - BetterPhoto.com
----- Late Afternoon Ride - BetterPhoto.com
----- The Rider - BetterPhoto.com
----- Valley of Fire Twin Rocks - BetterPhoto.com
----- Natures Life Line - BetterPhoto.com
----- Canyon Solitude - BetterPhoto.com

----- Southwest Equestrian Sky - BetterPhoto.com
----- Red Tide on the Pacific - BetterPhoto.com
----- Out of the Sunset - BetterPhoto.com
----- Cowboy Portrait #2 - BetterPhoto.com
----- Sunset Southwest Style - BetterPhoto.com
----- Evening at Valley of Fire - BetterPhoto.com
----- Patterns in Stone Along the Virgin River - BetterPhoto.com
----- 69 Mach I "Movin" - Photos-of-the-Year.com -3rd Place Challenge #11

Third Place Winners
----- Sunset Southwestern Style - Photos-of-the-year.com - 3rd place Sept 2005
----- Canyon Ceiling in Motion - Photos-of-the-Year.com - 3rd place Nov 2004

Honorable Mentions
----- Whoa! - Photos-of-the-Year.com - Honorable August 2005
----- Evening in Norco - Photos-of-the-Year.com - Honorable July 2005
----- Facing West - Photos-of-the-Year.com - Honorable July 2005
----- The Surfer - Photos-of-the-Year.com - Honorable June 2005
----- Laced In Stone - Photos-of-the-Year - Honorable October 2004
----- Watch Your Step - Photos-of-the-Year - Honorable August 2005

----- Stream at Weeping Wall - Photos-of-the-Year - Eligible January 2005
----- Egret's Reflection - Photos-of-the-Year - Eligible November 2004
----- Under the Hand of Hope - Photos-of-the-Year - Eligible September 2004
----- Step into Time - Photo-of-the-Year - Eligible September 2004